9.1 Chemical Dosing Units

Diaphragm type dosing pumps are used for dosing chemicals in fluid form. This process takes place thanks to an electromagnetic drive mechanism (solenoid coil) connected to a diaphragm. When the solenoid coil is energized by the electronic control unit, the diaphragm moves and this diaphragm activates the fluid by pressing it towards the discharge outlet with the help of one-way valves. When the solenoid coil is de-energized, it pulls the diaphragm back and fills the additional fluid into the pump chamber at the same time and this process repeats continuously.

The pump stroke rate is controlled by an electronic circuit and is varied with a speed adjustment knob. The mechanical stroke length is adjusted with the stroke length adjustment knob. The material of wet elements (in contact with the fluid) is FPP (glass reinforced polypropylene), PVC, SAN, Hypalon, Viton, Teflon, 316 stainless steel, PVDF, ceramic and C alloy. These materials are materials that are resistant to most chemical substances. However, there are some chemicals such as strong acids and organic solvents that can damage the elastomer and plastic elements of the pump.

General features

• Standard dosing pump models with 0.4–54 lt / h, 0.1–20 bar capacity
• 100-300-1000 lt Vertical PE Solution Tank
•  Fixed / Proportional / Analog / Flow / pH, / ORP (redox) Controlled Dosing   Opportunity
• Chemical Special Mixer to be Used
• Measuring and Control Equipment
 Please consult us for specific capacity and features.