Containerized water treatment system that is already installed inside a container in the factory needs no further installation or assembly work on the site. This provides quick commissionning of the system. Beside the customer is freed from construction works.

  • In Container Water Treatment Systems Are Compact Turn Key Water Treatment Units.
  • Contenairized Systems Provide Modular Solutions
  • Applicable for all kind of treatment methods
  • River or Surface Water Treatment
  • Well Water Treatment
  • SWRO Treatment
  • Waste Water Treatment
  • MBR treatment
  • With assembly already completed, the system can easily be transported to the site and installed with simple works.  

    Customer's scope:

Levelled concrete foundation
Power supply to the control panel of the system.
Outside container branching for:
Raw water inlet
Product water outlet
Drain water outlet
Between containers piping for systems with multiple containers

The system can run with power supply by:

  • Existing Power Supply
  • Diesel Generators
  • Solar Power Cells