Nowadays rapid increase in population and industrialization has negative impacts on the earth. Despite the improving technology the sustainable devellopment is only possible at very high devlopped countries. This is an important factor for the destruction of the natural ressources.

One of the actual impacts of this situation is the extinction of the water ressources due to “Global Warming”. Only 5 % of the overall Water ressources are usable. On the other hand the biggest wtaer ressources are sea waters. For this reason sea water treatment and use as fresh water ressource has been develloped and began to be used as a common method. 

Considerable decreases in investment and operational costs since 1950 when Reverse Osmosis was first introduced is one of the motives for increase in numbers of Reverse Osmosis projects. 

Sea Water Reverse Osmosis (SWRO) systems are used in order to eliminate high concentrations of dissolved ions in the sea water and hence to decrease the conductivity values of the water. 

Previously the high energy demand for the high pressure pumps was the main drawback for Reverse Osmosis systems. However today’s technology allows us to use energy recovery systems installed on the concentrate line of the systems which return the mechanical energy to the system. These technologies provide upto 50 % energy savings.

Common energy recovery systems are the “turbo charger” tcehnology which is relatively older and “pressure exchanger” technology where energy transfer is done through the pressure exchange. 

Pressure Exchange technology which is a relatively newer technology provides higher energy savings withrespect to turbo charger systems.

Approximately 36.000 ppm salt concentration in sea Water may decrease at the output stage with approximate values:

TDS: 250-300 ppm (tap water levels)

Chlorine: 150 ppm olacaktır. 

For lower conductivity  and chlorine demands a secondary RO unit should be added at the SWRO output line.  


General Specifications

• TFC Wound Membranes

• FRP Membrane Vessels

• Duplex/SS 904 High Pressure pumps

• High Efficiency Energy Recovery System Pressure Exchanger

• Duplex High Pressure Line Piping

• PE Low pressure line piping

• Carbon steel Neoprene coated / FRP Cartridge Filter

• PLC Control Pannel & Operator Pannel